I very recently found this website and noticed how its not been updated in a year so certain things are out of touch. For example there is a new series- the Spy/Special Agent Series:
The special agent SW (POV) awakens from a frozen or paralysed state in which they have been covered with a protective isomorph layer, which is slowly removed and they have spy bugs removed from their hair. These spy bugs let the agency track down the agent according to their position in space-time. SW is not told why they are in a comatose state but they are informed that their memories are not properly formed. After this they gain back control of their muscles through light physical therapy. Through this process they discover they are in an Antartic Base Headquarters. They then go through their first mission, in which they must observe a target. The target is an artist/inventor that could have taken images form the Supreme Image Deposit.
SW is also informed they have undertaken 'dive travels' and are a professional in the field.