As you may know (and if you don't, you shouldn't be here where spoilers are plenty), back in Season 1, Aries, our Sci-Fi Atmosphere explorer, found a can inside of the ruins of some abandoned place - supposedly a castle, which you can read more about here - after you, or "POV", had a weird dream about a key and some coordinates. She went to a long-time abandoned planet and found various items inside this can that seem to have come from different periods.
In this post, I breakdown the objects inside this peculiar time capsule that our dream asked us to lead Aries to.
The Ancient papers
The first item Aries takes out of the can is a roll of some old papers with incomprehensible writings. It is the only item Ronny is able to analyze. He scans it right away and the revelation is astonishing: these scrolls contain elements that are part of an equation, the equation OMEGA-7537-ALPHA-1. She is perplexed by it, and immediately states how odd it is that an ancient paper contains the formula that would explain a time-traveling machine - part of a theorem that explains its fuel - , a theory only discussed centuries after the other items in the can where invented. However, it seemed like the oldest of them all.
For the viewer, this papers were not strange. In a previous episode, in Lady Anna's timeline, we encountered a book in the same state in which we find these papers and, unsurprisingly, some pages of this book are exactly the same pages ripped off and put inside the can. By who we have yet to know, but we know for sure that the source of the two comes from the book Lady Anna will be analyzing.
This book has also been seen in other occasions, proving its importance to the plot. Its first appearance was at the Royal Ball (Victorian), but we have seen it briefly in other timelines. First, for those most attentive, the book was shown as an easter-egg in one of the 80s videos, in Angelica's room, and, finally, in Amanita's era (Medieval), the origins of this object were revealed. After meeting the Genie, our mage friend was sent to the Sacred Prism Hall and, after completing the three challenges and getting the tokens of Accord Magic, managed to get the book in hands.
On the book, many people, and Anna herself, managed to grasp some of the inspirations in its writing styles. Many of the writings in the book are in runic-inspired and Sanskrit-styled writings in ways that assemble music sheets. All of the contents seem to be linked to the Medieval era, and some of the mysteries of this book and the scrolls will be unravelled by Lady Anna (who had a surprise while walking with the book around Mayhorn in Season 2).
Finally, the fact that these scrolls selected by someone (it could have been "POV" or not) contain a time-traveling formula seems like a much expected thing, but OMEGA-7537-ALPHA-1 is not the only mystery inside the writings. The final revelation Ronny gives us, and that sets the tone for Aries' adventures, is that there is another formula hidden in these papers: the immortality formula.
The button purse

The button purse was a peculiar item since the beginning. Right away we learned that we have asked Alice to make this purse out of a collection of buttons we had. A rather peculiar collection, some made with materials she did not know of (some pointed out it could be plastic, since the POV is a time-traveller, but another interesting theory will be discussed soon). While walking in a Mysterious Forest, we discover the truth about this item: we asked it to be made as a gift to Lady Anna, be it merely as a way to tease her because of her dislike of buttons in party gowns or for a greater purpose. In the same video, we find out said purpose. Out of the many buttons, four of them started glowing and one door appeared for Anna and her companion. This button-shaped key opened a door to Amanita’s world, and Lady Anna saw her counterpart for a brief moment. We learn in the House on Chicken Legs video that for Amanita, Anna showed for a brief moment and was perceived as a ghost. Clearly Amanita did not notice the similarities between herself and the ghost. Neither did Anna. Our royal friend wakes up, arriving in Mayhorn, thinking the encounter with a strange woman holding a lamp was nothing but a dream.
The romance book (The Painted Veil)
We have little to no clue about why this 1925 novel was amongst the items. All we know so far is that this book belongs to Angelica, as we see it in her room during the make-up and curler shenanigans. We don’t know the reason why there is a jasmine flower inside it and why it’s marking the page it is (although the page could just be a coincidence).

My guess is that we won’t find this out very soon, since getting the book from Angelica probably means our research with her might be done by the time we reach Aries, and for now Angelica's playlist is only starting. One thing I suppose is that the theme of the novel could be foreshadowing, and you can read more about it in the Victorian Era file, but that is nothing but a theory. All we all could notice is that Angelica, a psychology student, seems to be quite a reader, as we see her with a book on her table In our first encounter and her room seems to have many of them, which means that picking this book is far more than a coincidence, as we could have picked any.
The cassete tape

The cassete tape could have been the most mundane of the objects sleeted. Aries could have found anything inside this tape, even music. Since the first time it was seen, people speculated it was linked to the 80s timeline, as we have seen Anton's walkman, and everyone was right. With bits of information from videos that came before us actually hearing the contents of the tape, I managed to put together a little "origin" of this tape:
We learn while trying out costumes in Angelica's room that she enjoys collecting sounds - sounds very similar to what we hear in ASMR today, and it makes sense she merely calls them "sounds" because ASMR became popular in the 21st century (and Aries, from the future, was already quite familiar with it) -, which hints at the fact that this tape probably came from a combination of sounds Angelica - a low budget 80s asmrtist - was trying to experiment with. However the experiments happened (motivation, how many trials, etc), the end result were a mix of stimulating frequencies. These frequencies matched a similar phenomenon we have already seen in the series: ("enchanted") objects reacting to sound[1]. In this case, the ASMR sounds (more precisely the singing bowls) triggered something in the buttons inside the purse.

[1] The book Anna has in her hands reacted to the church bells and some pages started shinning, much like the buttons in the purse.
The old camera

While we’re getting ready for the student-professors party at Angelica’s university, she mentions that her brother, Anton, spent the whole day developing photos from a camera their father brought from a trip. It has to be the same camera, since we know there is no such thing as a coincidence in ATMOSPHERE’s world. Since POV has a connection with the twins, especially Angelica, it makes sense that at some point this camera ended up in their hands, or Angelica’s, and was used for something important. We later find out, in Time Machine DIY (1) what it was used for: the camera seems to create a time portal - or a breach in the multiverse - showing that at some point the necessary elements to make a time machine were put in this 70s camera. After inspection inside the K- Pharaoh-98 space station, it was noted that the camera lens seems to have the same mineral the buttons on the purse do.
From Aries and Ronny's deduction: As it seems, individuals from the long-abandoned planet, used Meterium Lumoxide - the base element of the blown-up star's core - to somehow increment both the buttons and the lens of the camera. The 'blown-up star' was a planet once responsible for bringing balance to the entire universe, and it's explosion by a 'not so smart' group of people caused time-space distortions, loops and dimension breaches. The fragments of this planet scattered around the entire universe.
This is a big revelation. All the phenomena we have been seeing (the door opening for Anna's purse, our weird teleportation in-dream during the test) seem to be linked to this event, and the Meterium Lumoxide found in objects we had in hands before meeting Aries could be the major source of explanations. A bigger revelation lied ahead for our space friend, as she was exploring this object. Aries found out what the title of the video itself implied: the camera was actually an improvised "time machine".

Aries, the one with all of these objects in hand, certainly has some great mysteries to uncover. And I'd argue that we, as her companions, also have a lot of excitement ahead. The story is just beginning, the points are being slowly connected. We must all keep in mind that these objects are merely part of the bigger picture. It is going to be a long journey! So travel safe!
Fantastic deductive work!
Although the Painted Veil movie adaptation is a romance, I am not sure I would characterize the novel as such. The book is a lot more about self transformation. The movie is about the romance between a woman falling in love with her own husband after going through difficult times and self sacrifice. Perhaps there is a Jasmine flower due to its setting of China. I prefer the movie because the book has a generally unappealing and racist depiction of Chinese people, it's worth checking out if you want to get more context.